Find Mobile Number Owner Details

Find out how you trace mobile number owner name, address, location, and other details using the Truecaller Android site/app.

Most of the time, we receive calls outside from our phone contacts. When we see such an Unknown Number or Private number or the phone number of which you don’t understand the country code, we are in doubt about whether to lift the call or not. Don’t know who called you from an anonymous number? Make use of TrueCaller, an application software online that will let you know the details of a particular phone number. Details given out include mobile phone owner’s name, city info along operator use.

Find Mobile Number Owner Details

Find Mobile Number Details

TrueCaller is the app that we are talking about. So using TrueCaller you can find the following details –

  • Owner name of the Number [Name used during SIM registration]
  • Owner location
  • Which mobile/ landline network is using
  • Owner Location Map with Latitude and Longitude details

Worldwide Best Selling Smartphones

The TrueCaller software is also available for your Android or Nokia S40 phones as well. TrueCaller is better than any other phone tracing software as this gives you more details than others. It supports more than 150 countries worldwide.

How to Know Mobile Number Owner Name

You just need to have a mobile phone number, if you have that, you are ready to go. And since you have received a call from the unknown party, you have his/her number.

The app that we are referring to here is called TrueCaller, which has the largest number of mobile numbers registered. Chances that the person who called you might be a registered TrueCaller user.

So here is how to know the mobile number owner’s name, location, and other details like carrier provider, telecom circle, and the calling country –

  • Visit website. You can even download the TrueCaller app available for Android and iOS platforms [link given below].
  • Select the country and then provide the phone number.TrueCaller Owner Details
  • Now hit Search Button.
  • In the next page, it will load Mobile phone owner details like name, area, telecom circle, telecom operator along with Google Maps listing.Mobile Phone tracing

How it Works

TrueCaller works on user-uploaded data so if you or your friends are using TrueCaller on their mobile phone, their complete contact details including phone number and name have been updated and uploaded to TrueCaller servers permitting it to be viewed online for the general public. Once these details are found, it’s quite easy to locate the network name and location. However, this doesn’t show up in ported mobile operators, the exact location where users are located presently.

Download TrueCaller for iPhone | Android | Windows | BlackBerry

Apart from Truecaller, there are other alternatives available as well.

91 90436 34432

This is mostly a searched number, and it’s a spam caller. In TruCaller the name will come as “Wiki” and the phone doesn’t have WhatsApp installed on it. Maybe this number is not used now. Did you receive a phone call from this number?


Another spam caller.


This phone number comes under the USA, 734 area code, which corresponds to Michigan (Ann Arbor, Canton, Livonia). Its a spam caller.

040 6903 2470

It’s a call from Just Dial asking you to upgrade your business from normal listing to premium/paid listing.

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