Root Galaxy Core Prime VE

Verizon Galaxy Core Prime SM-G360V can be rooted easily without any complicated procedure. So, if a is one of the users of Verizon Galaxy Core Prime SM-G360V phone you can root your device from here by following the below-mentioned steps.

Root Galaxy Core Prime VE

After rooting you will get SuperSU app which is a superuser manager app developed by Chainfire, it gives root permissions on your device once it’s rooted. In this guide, we are going to use iRoot V for rooting the device. After root, you can have the root features available like flashing custom ROMs, install custom Recovery and many other features also.

Preparing your phone

  • The device should be fully charged up to 100%.
  • Backup all the important data to some external storage.
  • USB drivers for Samsung Galaxy Core Prime should be installed on the PC.
  • Make a Nandroid backup of the current ROM in case you wish to restore it later.
  • A custom recovery like TWRP must be installed on the device.
  • USB debugging mode should be enabled on the device. Go to Settings > Developer options > USB debugging mode.USB Debugging

Root Verizon Galaxy Core Prime:

Follow the process mentioned below to Root Verizon Samsung Galaxy Core Prime phone easily –

  1. Download the iRoot application from here.
  2. Open the application once it is installed.
  3. Click on ROOT to start the rooting process.
  4. Allow the process to complete.
  5. The device will reboot automatically after rooting process is completed.
  6. A success message will be displayed on the screen after reboot.

Rooting the device is now completed, you can check the status by downloading Root Checker app from the Google play store.